Thanks to Kirk and Debbie Scott for providing us with this high resolution photo of the Henrico crew from 1946. Mr. Scott’s father was Elvin Scott, Bm2c, who reported aboard the Henrico on 3/6/1946.
Thanks to Mary Ann MacArthur for this postcard photo.
Virgil O. Anderson (aboard the LST-325) (killed in the kamikaze attack) (first on the right)
Thanks to Thomas Lee for these photos. Mr. Lee’s father Thomas A. Lee was a 77th Infantry soldier on board the Henrico at the time of the kamikaze attack in 1945.
Thanks to Joe Holtslag for capturing this image of the LCVPs landing Marines from Netflix’s The Vietnam War in HD.
Thanks to Edward A. Dainko III for these photos of his father Edward A. Dainko, MD’s commendation containing signatures of crew members.

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